Al jaren doet de draaimolen in de tuin niets meer. Geen beweging in te krijgen. Te lastig om snel te…
You might have noticed I decided to run a marathon this year. I’ve lost 20 kg since August last year.…
Two weeks to go Two weeks to go and strangely enough I have to start running less. Apparently your body…
Running for Amsta Karaad We are not just running the marathon for ourselves. We want to help improve the quality…
Marathon preparations! Dropped 8 Kg. Started running more and more. Last week I did the 10 mile Damloop and ran…
Tulip Bowl We had the pleasure of hosting the Dutch Championships in American Football this weekend. Our volunteers organised a…
No time to run :/ Had the absolute pleasure of hosting the European Championship for the ECA this weekend! Never…
Last American Football Had my last American Football game last week. Had some great last practices. Enjoyed the Rugby clinic…