10 Miles for Only Friends!

This weekend my journey starts. I’ll be preparing for the Damloop in the US this year! During my first holiday in 3 years I hope to meet a lot of interesting people and see a good part of the country. And not only what we see in the shows and in GTA!

I’ll be travelling from Seattle to New Orleans, with stops in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Arizona and Texas!

I’ll be training each day to make the best of this run and I will share my experiences with you on this blog! I’ll be blogging and vlogging on my travels and my preparation for the run. Trying to raise as much as possible for these 700 kids to be able to practice their 26 different sports with the help they need and deserve! Will you help me help them?!

0 gedachten over “10 Miles for Only Friends!”

  1. I am proud of you on multiple levels, my good man!
    You are showing your big heart and a bit of courage taking this on. You have my support.
    Ride safely and keep your eyes on the road (and not on our country’s beautiful assets) ?

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