Day 13 & 14 – Las Vegas Phoenix

Day 14As mentioned I went over to Las Vegas early. Turns out there is plenty to do besides gambling. After breakfast I did a quick run over the strip. It was already getting really warm though. Went over to see Eaglerider. They Harley was not cooling enough in this weather and had started to burn my leg. Apparently the fairing can be opened for extra airflow and they helped me out with some band aids and stuff. Sam there has been living Vegas for 61 years. He gave me some good advice. To go over and see Moapa valley and to see Mount Charleston. That is a climb of around 7500 feet. See nice to cool off a bit and an amazing ride!

After eating a burger at Ramsey’s place I went over to see Dj Chuckie. A really good Dutch House DJ. If you want a sample, check out the below liveset.

Went over to Phoenix through Moapa Valley around Lake Meade. It really was an amazing ride. I’ll share the video’s later. But as you can see in the picture it was awesome! Went over to phoenix to see friends and friends of the family. It’s always a joy to meet people important to you!

0 gedachten over “Day 13 & 14 – Las Vegas Phoenix”

    1. Heb een goede blaar op mijn kuit. Maar dat is een mooie herinnering ;). En het is echt heerlijk hier man. Nog maar een paar dagen. Dit is voor het eerst dat ik zo lang op vakantie ga en niet na een week al weer aan werken begin te denken.

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