Doing good

I’m honoured to be able to help sc Only friends with their Christmas dinners for the last few years. With my background from the college for hospitality management and passion for food it’s already a welcome change to help out. But seeing those kids have fun makes it so rewarding.

Besides me are Peter Bak (right) and Dennis Gebink in the middle. One of my local heroes. Peter is volunteer from the first hour at Only friends. A sports club founded by Dennis especially for children with a disability. With his inspiring leadership it has grown to be a club with facilities in Amsterdam where 700 children can perform 26 different sports! They even started branches in Utrecht en de Achterhoek!

During the Christmas period helping them makes me realise that perhaps we are taking to much for granted. We expect to much to be taken care of by our governments or others. But I honestly don’t think our society can function properly without all of us  helping out. Volunteering and helping where we can, when we can. Every euro, every minute, every meter we spend to help others counts. As an ambassador of the ABN AMRO Foundation I’m lucky to help out others from Christmas dinners to programming lessons. I truly feel blessed.


Geplaatst in: Good

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