First Miles on Route 101


I’m really having trouble keeping to the schedule. There is just so much to see here!! Did a quick run this morning. About 5 miles, nice scenery, but taking pictures slows me down. I’ll be short today, really want to be on the road soon!

Unfortunately my helmet cam was not listening properly. After the eclipse I drove straight to the coast to witness the majestic 101 coastal highway. It’s really is awesome. Everything is bigger in America. The bridges the Dunes. Beautiful scenery, that I unfortunately can not share. I’ll make up for that today!


Staid over at Uli and Juliane. Uli’s father came over from Germany and they have built up a family business in the lumber industry. I was running a bit late so Uli was kind enough to invite me in. I got a chance to taste German Grapefruit beer and got some pasta with Bertolli Vodka sauce. A combination I would not have found myself but it tastes great. I’ll definitely ask Unilever if they have that in Holland as well. The German Grapefruit beer Is probably not in line with the strict German Reinheitsgebot. This law from the 1500s strictly describes what ingredients can be used to make beer. It taste really well and refreshing. Happy they think out of the box over here.

I’ll be hitting the road with the cam working this time. So tomorrow I should definitely have some footage to share with you!


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