Flying, running, ranching, exploring Arizona in full!

Arcologies in real life at Arcosanti

When your city reached it’s limits in Sim City you would start building Arcologies. Huge buildings were people could work, consume and sleep. I’ve seen lot’s of reports of buildings being developed like that. But the Italian Architect Polani actually started experimenting with this in real life over in the seventies. Interesting to see how they used techniques to maximise energy efficiency.

Got a tour from my far uncle KC den Dooven. Having published a vast array on books of the National Parks, certainly one of the best guides possible! He also showed me an interesting town, Prescott. I can certainly recommend the burgers in this classic American Saloon!


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If flipping the picures is too slow, please find the full gallery below!



Enjoyed plenty of Football around Phoenix area. Met interesting new friends certainly had a great time with decent house tunes at Bar Smith! Great vibes!


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Ranching Tucson

In the plane over from Amsterdam I sat between two men travelling from Africa. One worked for Peace-corps. An American institution providing aid in Africa. Another works for a firm delivering Solar panels. Really interesting to hear first hand what Africa is really like.

I got invited over to the office and neighbouring Ranch. Actually got to help with the Cattle, riding horse and everything and even got to fly a 1939 plane used to instruct new pilots in WWII.



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Devil’s Bridge

Marvellous spot in Sedona. Amazing Red Rock formations and views!


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