Time to run! In memory of Oma Miep


It’s really gonna happen!

Just had my power breakfast with two good espressos.

I’m excited and I have no idea what to expect of 42.2 Km.

Only thing I can do is proper preparation. A wise coach once said. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance!

In memory of our most dedicated supporter, Oma Miep

Our most beloved support passed away recently. After battling cancer repeatedly and successfully, she had to depart at age 84. I’ll never forget your unconditional support of our team. Thanks for everything. It’s an honour to have worn #57, the number your son plaid with as well. I’ll be waring it for you today!

Running for Amsta Karaad

Remember. We are not just running the marathon for ourselves. We want to help improve the quality of life for a group that deserves some extra attention. Check out our action and donate!

Estimated times

Please find our estimated times here below. On the bottom of the page I added a estimated times per Km. You can download the app and track us live as well!

Geplaatst in: Good

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