Day 18 & 19 – Finally in Texas

Day 17

After that amazing jump I went on the El Paso Texas, Odessa and then Austin. I actually thought it might be a bit of a boring ride. Thinking of western like deserts and nothing much in between.

Really happy I’m also doing this drive by bike tough. Had one of my best hotel experience and one of my worst. Got a full refund though, so I will not complain. Hotel staff was kind enough to drive me to an authentic really good restaurant for lunch in El Paso.

Hit the road afterwards. A good ride to Odessa. Then hit the road early next morning to get to Austin. A marvellous city. Was welcomed by the BNB host with some excellent tips and Football talk.

Had more Mexican food, had some excellent Austin Beers in different bars and breweries and met with Carlos Guerrero. Carlos is really passionate about Texas and helping Texan entrepreneurs with doing business.

Next day I started with a really nice Doppio over at the neighbouring Cat Cafe. Then did a run around Austin. Actually a really nice town, with lots of green and water near the city centre.

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