Day 20, 21 & 22 – 1 Week left, amazing Texas!


After my previous post I got ready to get over to the Rainey street. A really nice location right near to where I was staying with lots of bars and outside music. I sat down in the Banger’s Beer Garden. Specialised in sausages I had two great hot dog’s over there. Met some guys from Colorado on a bachelor trip and shared a beer over Football in Unbarlievable. Went over to the 6th street for some House Music. Nook got recommended, had a good time, but after more the an hour of Drum & Bass went over to find some other good House music. Didn’t find it though. Vulcan got recommended, but I don’t like lines that much…

Got up early to get ready for the tour Mr Guerrero set up for me in Lockhart. I already heard I should visit 2 months back in Amsterdam. So I was actually a bit nervous about what to expect. I had an amazing tour. I always enjoy people working with so much passion. Especially when it’s a passion we share!

Black’s BBQ restaurant was opened in 1932 and is still a family owned restaurant with locations in Austin and San Marcos as well. Mr. Black Sr. actually passed away earlier this year, but left quit a legacy. A legacy he can certainly be proud of! They have been using Post Oak wood which have been aged for at least 2 years since the beginning. Mr. Black actually build the ovens himself in the thirties and they’re still using these today! They were the first to organise the White House BBQ for President Johnson and are still catering for up to 3000 guests from this location! Words don’t describe the quality of meat I was given here today!

Met Brian, a teammate in San Antonio to have steak. Really unfortunate I did not have time to see this wonderful place as well. I actually did not know, but the river-walk is apparently a must see. Like many others I’m just putting it on my list for next time!

The following morning I visited the Pop Warner Football Federation. The actually started a pilot program to play tackle football with kids from 5 till 7 years old’s. The Tiny mikes had a good game. They don’t keep track of the score, but focus on the fun first. Kids progress to the next tier based on weight and age over here. You have the Mighty mites 7-9 and the Peewees 9-12 . For the youngest they play without kicking or special plays and just use the two hand stance, to focus on the game-play first. For safety they always have at least one certified trainer per team. At the moment they are actually just in the second week of this new program. The team has 5 coaches. The commitment of coaches is most important, football can be taught. Being trustworthy is another important characteristic for coaches. I got some useful advice from the coaches and board members. Fantastic to see the kids have so much fun!

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