Day 8, 9 & 10 – Monterrey and LA


Arriving in Monterrey, I planned to grab a quick bite and then ride around town. Being along the coast I’d just had to try some seafood. The Fish Grove got recommended. Family owned for 70 years and running smoothly. Tried the local catch. Redbarsh with risotto. It was so good I already eat most of the plate before I noticed I had not taken any picture yet. It looked pretty good though ;). When you’re around town; Definitely go over here!

I stood up pretty early to check out the 17 Mile drive. A must-see in this beautiful place. Unfortunately, it is part of a gated community. The guard at one side wouldn’t let me in. I tried the other side as well, but that didn’t help. Luckily the ride in between was pretty amazing as well. Next time I’ll get by car. That’s definitely worth it!


Next stop was a Dutch wine-house in the neighbourhood. I’d love to see that, but also wanted to to be in LA before traffic and it was going to be a long drive. Had a great ride out there, but the it didn’t open for a couple of hours. The Mexican restaurant next door just started serving breakfast so had a nice coffee and got on the bike again. The scenery was just amazing. I know I keep saying this ;).


Coming into LA it really is like driving into GTA San Andreas again. Strange thing though at CJ’s mother house, there actually is a baseball field. The hostel is actually pretty amazing. Staff is super friendly, part of the Freehand is still under construction. View from the rooftop is pretty amazing, the restaurant is awesome.

Had a good morning. Went to a near Krav Maga lesson. Really good techniques. Liked the atmosphere. Got to run back afterwards.

Went over to see Eaglerider today. It must be amazing to work with these precious metals all day. And I get to ride on this!

Met Chris Voag today. He got a bit of a different stance on drugs then I do. His father had stage 4 cancer and medicinal use of cannabis helped him recover. He’s convinced his Sir Cannabis will be on TV in the next few years. His friend @Flaneur is very passionate about starting a non-profit organisation to help children in low income areas and young mothers in specific. With some of the stories he tells, I hope he will make this happen soon.




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