Day 6 & 7 – Football differences

After I did that lovely run, I went over to Amador Valley. International affairs Dutch Football Federation John Mahnen recommended to see a De La Salle game specifically and they were playing in the neighbourhood.

Most people know the differences between Football in Europe and Football in the States. You’re probably thinking of those two different sports. I’m talking about the same. Football in the States starts at 8 years old for most players and stops when they start working. We have youth in Europe, but most of the Dutch players are seniors. And a good part of them start playing football when they’re in their twenties. We have had active players up to 50 years old! Then Football has been one of the main sports in the US for ages. In the Netherlands it has only been around since the 80’s and is still a relatively small sport. Even the High School games are played in a decent setting with stands and everything, accompanied and supported by a band camp and cheerleaders. I’d love to see that kind of setting in Europe more often!

Even though it has been a while since De La Salle had it notorious winning spree, there play was still very dominant. Both offence and defence where fun to see. Very entertaining to see these guys play. I’ll share some video highlights later!


I feel a bit like a barbarian. Driving through such an amazing country and hardly taking the time to see anything. Then again… there is so much to see over here! Luckily San Francisco has an excellent viewing point. The Coit Tower. After a really good coffee at Caffe Trieste, I headed over there. I’ll leave it to the pictures below to describe it.


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