Eclipse in portland

Watching eclipse now. One of the wonders of nature. People really excited about that here. Difficult to get a good picture for you though. Perhaps I’ll have a good video later!

Got a long ride to the coast ahead of me today. Should take about 6 hours. Hope i dont hit to much traffic. Could stop in Portland yesterday because of it. Picked a really good viewing point of portland and the eclipse to compensate.

Had to get up at 0530 to see the falls on the way. Both Dog Creek as well as the Multnomah falls are mustsees when you get around here.

Because Portland was totally filled up. A had a change to stay at Jack’s place in Trout lake.

Sportswise did a quick tour uphill, but it gets dark pretty soon in the mountains. So even with the flashlight it was better to have walk rather then running. Good recovery though.

Jack had been moving around the west of Canada and the States, but finally settled in hus cabine near the forest in 1985. He tries to be mostly self sustaining, growing crops and started velting hats from longhair rabbits an sheeps. He actually build a second floor on the cabine himself. Took 5 years but with his own woodoven and everything it definately is worth it. Definately worth crashing here sometimes. Jack also primitive living skills courses. Would have love to take a 6 day survival trip to the mountain, but anxious to hit the road!

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