Humbling moments

I’ve had humbling moments in the Netherlands before. Walking around the Only Friends Sports centre. Seeing all these kids forget about the the problems they might have and just play sport as they are. No one excluded, just having fun. The essence of sports. Don’t forget to support these buddies, they need it!

In the US I’ve had a couple of other humbling moments. Coming into the Redwood Forest a vet was talking about his tour in Bagdad. He was in building when the terrorist shot a missile through the window. Luckily there was a window on the other side as well. I could help to smile a bit on this cartoon like story. What these guys go through to defend our freedom is often forgotten. I didn’t want to interrupt their conversation to thank him, but I think we should do that more often.

My first full day in San Francisco I went over to meet with Cody at the Aggie stadium. A college team from Davis, was practising all day in preparation for the coming season. The setting these people have is amazing and their level of professionalism would be a fine goal for us in the Netherlands. Being one of the smaller sports there does make it a ambitious goal, but with our wonderful Football Culture, I’m convinced we got something precious worth spreading!


I was introduced to Bob Foster, a former player and retired coach so passionate about the game and the Aggies he is still on the field most of the day. He even got part of the stadium named after him. I had a change to learn from their technique training, the video analysis, and the coach meeting. Where they took the time to get an update from the medical staff to discuss any injuries and prepare which games they were going to scout before the San Diego game. They had 21 staff members in the meeting. I’d love to see that in the But it was not all serious. The guys went over to the basketball court as well for some team building. Loved their enthusiasm!


Had a good run in preparation for the Benefit in Amsterdam this morning! I ran across the Golden Gate to Sausalito and back for 1/2 marathon. Felt great!


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