Livestrong in Austin to Cowboys game day in Dallas


Taking part in the Ice Bucket Challenge during my last holiday 3 years ago in Lisbao Portugal, I said that sports is a huge part of my life and I can not imagine what it would be like to gradually loose to capability to be sporting. Mr. Armstrong is a huge example of going through and overcoming a unforgiving illness. One of the most loyal supporters of our team “Grandma Miep” as we call, recently had to go through chemo as well. Such a nasty and demanding treatment.

Mr. Armstrong is not only a example of how to deal with obstacles as a sporter, but also on how to use his platform to help others. Being so close I just had to pop over to his center on the 6th street and was welcomed by the facility manager Kim. She gave me a quick tour. There working with 29 staff members and plenty of volunteers to support people who are suffering from cancer or are close to them. Raising funds with cycling tours, runs and other benefits.

My red Only Friends band is actually accompanied with a yellow ribbon from Livestrong now.


Arriving in Dallas, after unloading, I headed into town to meet AJ. A friend of Coach Cody from the Davis Aggies. We met over at the Nodding Donkey sportsbar. A typical sportsbar in the middle of uptown Dallas. The atmosphere is quit the same as in Oud-Zuid in Amsterdam. That niegbourhood is more about fine dining and the combiantion with the sportsbar is awesome!

Went over to Mi Cocina afterwards, a Mexican restaurant you should really visit when you’re in town! Had their famous Mambo taxi cocktail and enjoyed their Caso dip and Flame-Grilled Fajitas.

On gameday yesterday I was very excited. Did a 10 Km run through the flood area near downtown Dallas. Amazing view, Very special to have these enormous green zones so close to city.

Ride Day 22

Texas is so much more as I expected it to be. II was expecting one big sand plain like in the westerns, but getting over to the eastern part, it becomes greener and greener.

The metropolitan area of Dallas surprises me as well. Having that much open spaces within the city is quit a luxury! Looking forward to the last part of my trip. Heading over to New Orleans in a couple of days.

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