Time to start running!

Just finished my previous post around 0200 this morning and had a bit of a light sleep. I was very excited about the run though and in a rush to get to the Amsterdam Railway station near the dam. It always crowded with people, now even more as the Damloop is the biggest running event in Western Europe. We were starting at 1200 and the starting area was crowded with KLM shirts. Nice to see. A lot of colleagues from ABN AMRO as well. I was lucky to get to the front of the queue.

Had a great run! Official time was below 1:29. Happy about running rather consistently and certainly happy about the amount of money we raised for Only Friends. Met founding father of the club Dennis Gebbink and Tom and his parents.

Tom is a young lad just started playing soccer and judo at the sports centre. He actually did the 1 Mile kids run that morning and raised €500 himself! Dennis, Tom and his parents were really happy with the result, Tom mostly with the soccer ball he’d received and Dennis and Tom’s parents with the support.

Tom has a yet unidentified immune decease as well as arthritis. So whenever he has a cold he gets pain in his joints as well and that makes it difficult to sport. At the Friendship sports centre they understand when he has to walk out of the practice or game for a bit an he really enjoys soccer so much that he lives up. That’s what I see with most of these kids over here. As I said before, that’s truly humbling to witness!

For now I’m just going to get the NFL Gamepass free week trial going and lift my feet on the coach and enjoy my beer. Hope you agree I deserved it!

Thanks for all your help and support! You raised €745 of those €25.000. That is a huge help to these kids!


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