2 Weeks in – Demolition mode

2 weeks into renovating my new home in Hilversum. Time for a quick update!

First floor

Removed the ceiling and opened up the attic. Wasn’t going to use all that space anyway. Also removed all the walls and floor boards. Surprisingly some of the wooden planks dropped and cracked. Well after 90 years…

We ran into a lot of black dust while removing the attic. Not quit sure if that was fungus due to lack of ventilation or remains of a coal plant or anything…

Removing Fire hazards

The electric wiring just didn’t make sense to be honest. Way to much on a single plug. Patched through from one room to another and then back again. Removing all of it to get a safe and sound setup for the next century.

Opening walls

While opening up the ceiling we also uncovered the structure of the building. Now we could safely remove the first walls. Also making plans to remove the rest safely later on.

Chimney out!

The chimney’s smoke channel was uncovered by removing two outside layers. Glad that is out. Got a recommendation on how to support it on the first floor so we can remove the rest on the ground floor.

I am thinking of a nice wood burner later on. But first things first!


Removed all the dark wood from the kitchen. Opened up nicely!

Bunker project

Getting advise on how to remove the bunker from the backgarden tomorrow! Curious how long and what tooling that is going to take.

3 gedachten over “2 Weeks in – Demolition mode”

  1. Jeetje Max, net even naar het filmpje gekeken. Ik wist dat je een oud huis gekocht had en helaas levert dat altijd het nodige werk op. Maar ik ben ervan overtuigd dat het eindresultaat fantastisch zal zijn. Je hebt in ieder geval al het nodige gesloopt dus het opbouwen kan van start gaan ? heel veel succes de komende weken en ben benieuwd naar de vorderingen. Groetjes Ans

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